Eduard Klena
gallery presov,

(while watching the video, please dont forget to turn the music on)
Its 2022 slowly turning to 2023. Exhibition "+" & "+-" is curated project by Eduard Klena and works with site specific space of two galleries located in the east of Slovakia. Major idea comes from gender equality and violence against women so widespread around this region. This project tries to dig deep and discover where violence starts. Is it our upbringing in childhood and subscribing for gender roles in the early state of mind or events which come later.
All the invited slovak artists bring their positions and ideas from different perspectives. Martina Chuda has very raw view on abortion and "male gaze" while Paulina Halasova works with the phenomena of "what is important to do to get attention of a wealthy man to satisfy me" and currently adapt to rules of eastern society. Martina Rotlingova and her hyper realistic paintings follow the same and everlasting "male gaze" on women throughout art history. Ivana Mojsova and her "Santa" paintings play with scandals in Slovak society asking if priests of the church are that innocent or when do we get an idea of gender based actions. Paula Gogola is the only trans gender artist included and represents the bipolar edge and opens up the other "problems" old and traditional Slovak society has to deal with. The whole exhibition has its own tough comment and it was undertoned by "horror of these days" theremin music by Marianna Bachledova.

gallery 13
kosice, slovakia