Eduard Klena
"report" (curatorial text)
What is the strength of the information shift? Their speed, availability and ubiquity made us forget to analyze them. We go deeper into the analysis and make a special critical effort to reading and listening if we slow down the process of judging what is bombarding us with information. The frequent shallowness of downloading information and its simple absorption should be a certain memento ...
It is enough to attract our attention, to evoke emotions such as joy or, on the contrary, to arouse fears, which in turn change or destroy human consciousness.
"Report" is not defined, does not moralize, does not judge. Because ethics, morality, judgment have their own subjective understanding and are objectively incomprehensible. The project by Eduard Klena and Jana Kucejová is a bus of personal experiences from everyday life, underlining the awareness of the influence of our judiciary by various factors.
Site specific installation is a record of communication flow. The authors try to provide a mediated record of their own experiences. Exploring the power of suggestion, massage, manipulation, shifting information by a "close" / sympathetic / charismatic person.
Different types of media within the platform space convey visual stimuli full of communication projections of people who direct their opinions and ideas with a direct look into the eyes of passers-by. The passer-by is bombarded by them and thus confronted, with each division pointing directly at him. The power of the information that passes through us all day by day is amplified in the procedural part of the installation. Thousands of loosely spaced white schematic dolls, quietly listening to the friendly tone of charismatic people.
Author's statements of real life working with psychological elements of mass media personification, in order to address as many individuals as possible and gain access to each person and bend his thinking as desired. A form of speech or some conversation that is aimed at "only me, only you and only you" / "It's between us, I'm talking to you, you're important to me ..." Once this human relationship is established, these people move the subliminal conversation to relatively sensitive and still current topics.
As the dolls belong to the process part of the site specific installation, it is expected that they may be freely trampled and destroyed over time. Just as human consciousness is often altered or destroyed by external influences.